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Author: Delia DaSilva

Mothers Against Drunk Driving “Walk like MADD event”

Our staff had the privilege of providing the finish line for the Mothers Against Drunk Driving “Walk like MADD event”. There were quite a few first responder agencies in attendance at this annual event. The event is a memorial event to remember those who have been killed by drunk drivers and to raise funds for the Houston MADD organization..

October is Fire Prevention Month

October is Fire Prevention Month. In an effort to make sure that every home is equipped with a working smoke detector, we are providing FREE smoke detectors to the residents of our community.
Last year we challenged our crews to see which shift could install the most smoke alarms. This got our crews out into the community not only to ensure the safety of our homeowners but to share valuable information. If you are in our service area and would like us to come out to check or install smoke alarms please visit our home page and click on Smoke Detector Program.


Did You Know

DID YOU KNOW nearly one third of Firefighters nationwide reported current daily back pain?

In an effort to assist our Firefighters with minimalizing bending, lifting, and twisting while loading supply hose on Tower 81, the entire hose bed comes down to nearly ground level so our Firefighters can load hose while saving their backs.

Some crews often refer to this feature as “The Back Saver 5000”. Just another way to take care of our Firefighters so they’re ready to answer your call.



Congratulations to District Chief Mike Stallings who graduated from The Texas Fire Chief’s Academy this past week!

Texas Fire Chiefs Academy is put on by the Texas Fire Chief’s Association and is a comprehensive training opportunity for current Fire Chiefs & those who aspire to be Fire Chiefs.

After completing Year 2 training, candidates earn their Certified Fire Executive “CFE” professional designation. With Chief Stallings’ graduation, all Little York Chief Officers now hold the “CFE” designation!


Command Vehicles

LYFD took delivery of two new 2022 command vehicles. These two units will replace existing vehicles that are currently in service, the older units will rotate into reserve status and be used as support vehicles, which will be utilized to support daily activities of LYFD. The command vehicles are equipped with the most current radio and data technology and ensure our staff are able to mitigate incidents more efficiently. These units are also equipped with Air Pack Tracking and Personnel Accountability Software that gives our Chief Officers the ability to monitor the movement of not only our firefighters, but our mutual aid firefighters as well. Our command vehicles carry specialty equipment that may not be utilized as frequently that would normally occupy space on heavy apparatus. These two units will make a great addition to our fleet, and we are looking forward to getting them in service.

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